About the Association

What We Do

The Golden Bears Football program has been rebuilding. The program now features a comprehensive academic support and physical development program that combine to ensure that our athletes excel both on and off the field. The alumni works to bring the community together to support and celebrate the program and the mission of building community minded leadership in the hearts of young men. 

Our football program endeavors to create a comprehensive wrap around service for our athletes which supports their academic pursuits. This system is based out of Foote Field, our practice facility and features several components which all work in connection with one another to help ensure the success of our student athletes some of these features include: Study hall facilitators, subject specific tutoring services, seminar work with groups of students, learning strategists and other mechanisms designed to support our student athletes in their pursuit of academic excellence.

Statistics around the performance of this program have emerged and the results are incredible. We have had an over 95% academic retention rate amongst our athletes which is a dramatic improvement from before we had our academic support program in place and clear evidence that this program is a resounding success.

By supporting Golden Bear Football you are supporting an organization that serves as a vehicle for the transformation of young men into something special. A transformation that will give them the skills and mind set needed to not only experience personal success in life but to also have a profound impact on their respective communities for the rest of their lives. 


The Alumni Association and its members raise funds in a number of activities and events.  The primary methods of fundraising for the team are through the following events and programs.  We are always looking for alumni and supporters of the football program to be involved in any of the below activities.  If you are interested in volunteering please contact Darryl Szafranski at dszafran@ualberta.ca

Annual Gala

Now entering its fifth year the annual gala raises funds to support student-athlete scholarships. The event is organized by a committee of alumni and supporters of the program.  See the Gala page for more information.


Approximately every 18 months the Alumni Association is assigned a casino to coordinate.  Funds from the casino support the team’s academic support program.

Golf Tournament

The annual golf tournament is held in early August with proceeds from the event being directed to the team.

Support the Sport Program (formerly Adopt-An-Athlete)

 The Support the Sport Program raises funds to offset the cost of team programs and activities such as non-conference travel, training meals, academic support programs, additional coaching support. If you are interested in donating click the link below. 

Board Of Directors

President: Dylan Niedermaier
Vice President: Dryden Kalesnikoff 
Treasurer: Sunil Mathew
Secretary: Darryl Szafranski 
Casino Chair: Dave McKinnon
Rick Walters
Reid Knox
Terry Korte
Myles Ruether
Andrew Ostashower

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